Lasers for scientific use and research, part 1

13 May 2022

Lasers for scientific use and research, part 1

13 May 2022

Satsuma Niji: A fully customizable and versatile femtosecond laser

Satsuma Niji is an industrial laser platform offering all possible wavelengths from 257 nm and up to 4000 nm. Satsuma Niji breaks free from the restrictive wavelengths choices available today and offers a whole new parameter space for ultrafast processing optimization. Fully customizable with up to 4 simultaneous outputs, Amplitude takes pride in delivering the most application focused ultrafast laser to date.

VWEB Niji scaled 1

Recently installed in the Queensland Brain Institute, UQ where 2-photon imagery is used to analyse the response of Zebrafish brains, the Niji will provide ultrafast laser pulses at 3 different wavelength, and high repetition rates with an aim to improve the image resolution and signal from the Zebrafish brain activity. The system has been customised to fit the lab and research requirements and was installed with on-site support of an engineer from Amplitude. Satsuma-Niji is a compact system based on the rugged Satsuma femtosecond laser feeding the OPO on a second stage located above, for optimised use of the optical bench space. To find out more about this research, you can read the full article on the University of Queensland website.

ATL Lasertechnik

The ATLEX product range leads the world with its patented preionization and discharge technique. ATL Lasertechnik develops compact short-pulse, air-cooled excimer lasers, based on metal-ceramic technology. This unique ATLEX laser design results in a rectangular beam of unsurpassed homogeneity.

The main application for these high precision excimer lasers are glass and plastic micromachining (for example: catheters), micro fabrication, geosciences, the forensic filed (laser ablation for LA-ICO-MA), TOF-spectroscopy, and fibre Bragg (FBG) writing.

ATLEX L diagonal front

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